Equipped: It is a Journey (not a shortcut)

I am who I was made to be, and that is who I am called to be. Many times, we endlessly search for meaning and purpose when the whole time, our calling is looking at us in the mirror. I am called to be passionate, one who encourages, friendly, and to share Jesus and the…

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A Changed Jesus can Change Us

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). I. Jesus’ birth and lineage are well documented; we even hear a short story from when He was 12 and separated from His parents, teaching in the temple. The conclusion of that account tells us, “And Jesus increased…

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An Epistle of Encouragement

1 To the churches worldwide, greetings and blessings in the all-powerful name of the Lord Jesus. I, the bond-servant of Christ, send hope and encouragement to those new in the faith. Your steps toward a life lived for Christ will result in eternal reward. Every man, woman, and child may exercise their measure of faith…

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PRO•ject Joshua 2

Now, pay close attention to this passage in Numbers 14. We know that Joshua and Caleb were the only two men above the age of 20 to be allowed to enter the promised land. For the next 40 years, Israel wandered the wilderness as they attended funeral after funeral. One account figure 1,078,00 died in…

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PRO•ject Joshua 1

God wants to accomplish something great in your life! I am going to be myself. I really do not know any other way to be. God let me know years ago that I was a teacher. I tried different ministries. I tried to be a dynamic preacher, but that’s not who I am. It was…

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Leadership Mindset

 Leadership is an important attribute that must be developed by those who can lead. Some people may not desire the aggravation or required commitment to adequately prepare themselves to set an example for others to follow and make necessary judgment calls. We live in a society that boldly quotes, “Judge not, that ye be not…

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Speak Faith

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 (KJV) Paul sent word to the church at Ephesus, “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in…

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2024 A Year of Encouragement: The First 200 Days, Part 4

             All the days of Joshua‘s leadership was consumed with warfare. From the time he assumed the mantle of Moses, battle ensued. There are a couple of lessons I learned from Joshua’s book: First, the Lord was with them. Every battle (except the first battle with Ai) the Lord gave…

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2024 A Year of Encouragement: The First 200 Days, Part 2

          Palm Sunday! The people were rejoicing in the street, “Hosanna, hosanna!” and others asked, “Who is this?” A casual answer was offered, “Some prophet from Nazareth.” When Nathaniel was called, he said, “Can there any good thing come out of  Nazareth?” Phillip’s  answer was, “Come and see.” When Jesus arrived…

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