1 To the churches worldwide, greetings and blessings in the all-powerful name of the Lord Jesus. I, the bond-servant of Christ, send hope and encouragement to those new in the faith. Your steps toward a life lived for Christ will result in eternal reward. Every man, woman, and child may exercise their measure of faith in a way that brings a closeness to the Creator. In times past, many longed to know the name of the One they called Jehovah. That same Creator revealed himself in Jesus Christ. How new are you to the faith? From what background do you come from? The longing in your soul is the pull of the Master. He calls us to repentance through conviction. A repentant heart makes way for God’s Holy Spirit. You may already be acquainted with this same Spirit through the evidence of speaking with other tongues. Our Bible, the Word of God, is complete, does not contradict itself, and is always right. Some argue the validity of the entire manuscript, but the former covenant testifies to the new. Our Lord himself referred to the former work. The entirety of the promise is available to you today. Seek after the Spirit while you may find it. Having repented of past sin, it is vital and necessary to be buried with Christ, invoking the name of Jesus.  Do this in obedience to the Word. Baptism is not simply a public demonstration of an inward commitment. We do not do this act to join a church; it is more significant. Baptisms of old were washings and cleansings before the presence of God. We wash for the remission of sins, and the blotting blood of Jesus is applied to our lives. How wonderful it is that we may share in the great salvation afforded all nations. For before Christ, it was not so. The Lord sent Israel before us to be light, but the light diluted itself in tradition and ceremonies. Praise be to Jesus that His sacrifice was for all time and all persons. Having experienced the saving plan laid out through the first church, you may experience some push-back. The enemy works overtime in your mind and through skeptics around you. Your experience is authentic, and it happened as the Bible said it would. There is a spiritual battle for your soul, but lean on those of like faith and know that Jesus has secured ultimate victory. Daily, come before the Lord with thanksgiving and praise. Walk toward Jesus with every step of the journey, no matter how small those steps may be. A made-up mindset looks trials in the face and declares, “Not today, Satan!” The temptations of our previous life will try to overcome you. Stand firm against these habits and weak areas. The Spirit of God strengthens you to overcome. Remember to study the scriptures. When loneliness comes, the Word offers refreshing. God speaks through His Word. Encourage others through your testimony. It doesn’t matter how long you have been a Christian; there is someone newer, and they are going through what you have already defeated. When approached with “encouragement,” weigh those words carefully with the Bible. People come with unpure or confused motives and seek those who will stand with them.  You should celebrate the excitement of your new-found faith. However, I warn against following every fad of doctrine and collaboration. God will judge by His Word. I welcome Christ’s judgments in a world that cries, “Do not judge me.” The Lord’s statutes prevent us from losing our souls. His law written on willing hearts of flesh works salvation. Submit yourself to the man of God, the under-shepherd who has been chosen to lead your congregation. Get behind the church’s vision. The ministry has always been under attack, but woe to those who would speak against the Lord’s anointed. This person’s children’s children will develop a disdain for the church and choose worldliness over the salvation that Christ purchased. Birds of a Feather. Fellowship with those who are attempting to become the best versions of themselves. This is your only requirement, for it is you that the cross redeemed. Fast as often as your body allows; to be weak physically is to be strong in the spirit. As our Lord instructed, certain situations may only be overcome through prayer and fasting. Write your testimony down on paper or media to be reviewed often. You will face trouble and tribulations, but be encouraged at how far you have already come and know that a great reward awaits those who endure until the end. Gather recommended resources, not to replace the daily bread of the Word but to hear the practices of those who have served God for many years. These things I write to you who are new in the faith, but no one should ever abandon Christian principles. All should run this race until Jesus returns for His bride, the church. God will never forsake you; he will never leave you. His mercies endure from everlasting to everlasting. Jesus’ blood blots out all transgressions. I commend you in your steps toward this hope that you have found. Jesus loves you more than you could imagine. It is the nature of His relationship with us.


2 Some have lived the faith for a while and relied on the Lord’s mercies without reciprocating His love. To these people, I declare, “Consider your ways!” I was among those who went through the motions and left Jesus at the altar when the church service was completed. Woe to the foolish. The world around us requires daily devotion and deep commitment to avoid deceit. Historically, my lack of prayer and Bible study led to paths ill-advised to the Christian community. Some hold to God’s mercy, but we mock God with little concentration on our efforts. Again, I am guilty of this choice and am not worthy of second, third, or fiftieth chances. God’s love looks past times of weakness and cheers us toward His perfect will. Does this give us free rein to live as we see fit? Heavens no! Jesus set an example before conspirators by remaining silent. His blood cries to us today, “Not my will, but Your Will be done!” When we are able to move beyond ourselves to a greater purpose, the Potter once again molds us into useful vessels. Each vessel is precious to the Potter. You are valuable to the Master and to the church. There is only one you, and with your talents and anointing, we need you! The church, the body of Christ, cannot function at its highest level without all the individual parts working to sustain it. Therefore, be the best you that God has made you to be. Live your faith daily with prayer and scriptures leading you into the unknown. Let kindness shine through to souls that the Lord loves, and also died for. We cannot see the big picture or the result of being soul-encouraged. Turn not thy nose upward, or you may drown in the rain. Let the Judge work in the hearts of men and save your disapproval for your conduct. Let every man examine himself with the Word of God. Be an encourager and utilize a blessing tongue. Start small if you need to, and force yourself to develop this habit. It does not take long once we commit to the positive. These truths hold firm territory in the Kingdom of God. All who journey with joy will find themselves on the path to righteousness. There is no better life.


3 I pray this letter finds you in good health and steadfast in your faith. You are an example to so many; they watch how you react to every situation, and you are unaware. Reach for the one when it seems like no one cares. The Master went out of His way to sit at a well one day to meet a woman who would declare His greatness before an entire city. Pray when it seems to go unanswered. Faith can move mountains, but we do not always need to see the answer to believe God can do it. Pray. Encourage the brethren, even in the small things. These acts build faith upon faith, and experience brings more significant accomplishment. Jesus deserves our best effort in all things we endeavor to benefit the Kingdom. Even in non-spiritual acts, set the example for those to follow. Regarding your ministry, practice your calling with all diligence. You were made for this time, and the Holy Spirit is leading you forward. Your anointing is sure, and the cause has never been greater. How can I help you succeed today? Your value to the Kingdom and the local assembly is priceless. I see the Spirit moving today, but to be effective, we must put aside squabbling and differences to focus on the task. Together, we are better. The world around us grows dark, but our light has never shined brighter. Be that light. Shine into the darkness so that others may see the way. Countless lives have yet to realize their potential in Christ. I pray God fulfills your needs and you excel beyond where I have journeyed. Should the Lord have a blessing for me today, I pray He gives you a double portion. I hope you will fly higher, dive deeper, and run faster than I ever could. I am your biggest supporter. Your gifts and anointing hold great value to the King. Let His glory shine brighter, and let His love penetrate further in your life than I have ever experienced. The Lord is for you, and so am I. In all things, give God the glory due to His name. We move and breathe by and through Him. We owe Him our existence, now and forever more. Amen. I salute those on my change team. I salute Brother M. of McCalla for his wisdom concerning the scriptures and for his friendship throughout the years. I salute Brother G. of Molino for his counsel and prayers—a friend indeed. I salute Brother J. of Milton for sharing his experiences and comforting our fears. I salute Brother J. of Cantonment for extending the hand and breaking the bread of fellowship. I salute the brethren who stood by us through life’s challenges and those who did not but continue to seek the Lord’s perfect will for their lives. Finally, I salute the assemblies that added value to my life and my Christian walk. The brethren of Aurora, I bless you. The brethren of Milton, I bless you. The brethren of the first work in Saint Augustine, I bless you. To the brethren of Pensacola, I bless you in the name of Jesus. I commend the work in Northport and the new work in Saint Augustine. May the God Almighty bless these ministries and save many souls. I commend the continued efforts of Purpose Institute and Brother G. and Sister S; your efforts are yielding immeasurable benefits for the Kingdom and in the lives of those who would commit to learning of our Savior. To the Father of all, who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, I praise and declare Him to be the way, the truth, and the life. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is a new day. I am thankful to have this opportunity to choose to live for Jesus. Amen.

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