3 I pray this letter finds you in good health and steadfast in your faith. You are an example to so many; they watch how you react to every situation, and you are unaware. Reach for the one when it seems like no one cares. The Master went out of His way to sit at a well one day to meet a woman who would declare His greatness before an entire city. Pray when it seems to go unanswered. Faith can move mountains, but we do not always need to see the answer to believe God can do it. Pray. Encourage the brethren, even in the small things. These acts build faith upon faith, and experience brings more significant accomplishment. Jesus deserves our best effort in all things we endeavor to benefit the Kingdom. Even in non-spiritual acts, set the example for those to follow. Regarding your ministry, practice your calling with all diligence. You were made for this time, and the Holy Spirit is leading you forward. Your anointing is sure, and the cause has never been greater. How can I help you succeed today? Your value to the Kingdom and the local assembly is priceless. I see the Spirit moving today, but to be effective, we must put aside squabbling and differences to focus on the task. Together, we are better. The world around us grows dark, but our light has never shined brighter. Be that light. Shine into the darkness so that others may see the way. Countless lives have yet to realize their potential in Christ. I pray God fulfills your needs and you excel beyond where I have journeyed. Should the Lord have a blessing for me today, I pray He gives you a double portion. I hope you will fly higher, dive deeper, and run faster than I ever could. I am your biggest supporter. Your gifts and anointing hold great value to the King. Let His glory shine brighter, and let His love penetrate further in your life than I have ever experienced. The Lord is for you, and so am I. In all things, give God the glory due to His name. We move and breathe by and through Him. We owe Him our existence, now and forever more. Amen. I salute those on my change team. I salute Brother M. of McCalla for his wisdom concerning the scriptures and for his friendship throughout the years. I salute Brother G. of Molino for his counsel and prayers—a friend indeed. I salute Brother J. of Milton for sharing his experiences and comforting our fears. I salute Brother J. of Cantonment for extending the hand and breaking the bread of fellowship. I salute the brethren who stood by us through life’s challenges and those who did not but continue to seek the Lord’s perfect will for their lives. Finally, I salute the assemblies that added value to my life and my Christian walk. The brethren of Aurora, I bless you. The brethren of Milton, I bless you. The brethren of the first work in Saint Augustine, I bless you. To the brethren of Pensacola, I bless you in the name of Jesus. I commend the work in Northport and the new work in Saint Augustine. May the God Almighty bless these ministries and save many souls. I commend the continued efforts of Purpose Institute and Brother G. and Sister S; your efforts are yielding immeasurable benefits for the Kingdom and in the lives of those who would commit to learning of our Savior. To the Father of all, who has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, I praise and declare Him to be the way, the truth, and the life. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It is a new day. I am thankful to have this opportunity to choose to live for Jesus. Amen.

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