an insignificant Isaac?

throughout the Bible, we come across the phrase “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” there are many scriptures devoted to the exploits of Abraham and Jacob, but it seems as those there are not very many passages dedicated to the life of Isaac. most of the time, you can attribute the scriptures that mention…

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a shhh and a stone (part 2)

we can now see preparations and things going on that the disciples were unaware of, but through revelation, Simon speaks and declares Jesus’ Christ-hood. this is the part of the story that is usually preached to show that Simon, now renamed Peter (meaning a rock), has been blessed to receive insight to the identity of…

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a shhh and a stone (part 1)

Matthew 16:13-20 has been an essential passage in the lives of all Christians. many denominations use these verses to teach of the revelation of Simon and the critical role that he played during his discipleship and the upstart of the church. we have heard it preached using the entire passage and using quotes from one…

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personally impacting parables

 two of my favorite parables that Jesus taught are “The Prodigal Son” and the “Hidden Treasure.” there is no doubt that i gravitate toward these two passages due to personal experience. i want to define a parable and explain its purpose. i will also share relevant testimonies and take some time to go through the…

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experience the cohesion

each church needs a balance of experience and age groups to reach its highest potential. if your members are growing older and there is no influx of the next generation, the church will die off. morbid, i know. maybe you find that your church is on the other end of the age spectrum. this type…

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a tale of two Sauls

          we can develop character through trials and daily situations. if we spend time with God in prayer and His Word, we are more likely to choose a Godly response to whatever may come our way. when life becomes too busy to fit God into your schedule, you may not act…

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a foreshadow of Christ

there are many examples and metaphors throughout the Old Testament of a typological foreshadowing of Christ. the shedding of blood for the remission of sins, the arrangement of the temple, and the brazen serpent. the Old Testament is our schoolmaster and leads us to the truths of the New Testament in a way that is…

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the Jesus lineage

the Old Testament is full of messianic prophecies and promises that foretold Jesus’ arrival. according to Ray Konig at, “Scholars differ in their answers, generally ranging from about 200 to 400.” and “Another scholar, Alfred Edersheim, concluded that there at least 456 passages in the Old Testament that Jewish Rabbis historically have interpreted as…

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ministry and prayer

nothing is more important, next to being born again of the water and of the Spirit, than having a prayer life. this applies to all souls everywhere, but especially the minister (and we have all been given the ministry of reconciliation). how would we reach and teach to those around us and not be in…

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why do you believe what?

i have always been fascinated by the way that we learn and develop throughout our lives. it seems some things are automatic depending on your family, your hometown, and other various support systems. why do we believe things the way that we do? is it our experiences through life? is it who has taught us?…

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