The assignment was simple. Write and submit an essay about the principles learned during our sessions. I began to do the math; if there were four classes and the report was 1,000 words, I could reflect on each lesson and compose roughly 250 words for each topic. I cannot say that I am surprised, but…
Read morePastoral Studies: Guest Instructor
This semester has been another outstanding term at Purpose Institute. I especially enjoy the Friday night leadership courses because they give us the opportunity to learn from the experiences of pastors and teachers who have seen both failure and success. These failures and triumphs will help us going forward and save time by not repeating…
Read moreThe Five-fold Blessing
We should pray daily for our Pastor and church leadership. Ideally, we should be praying for all leadership, for Daniel 2:21 states, “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:” (KJV, Tyndale 1987). When we…
Read moreThe power of Satan
When reading the book of Job, we come to a conversation between the Lord and satan in which the Lord has permitted satan to prove Job’s integrity. In this conversation, the Lord mentions that all Job has is in Satan’s power. What does that mean, and what is satan’s power? I want to review each…
Read moreA Purging Fire
Second Peter is an exciting passage. Peter had come a long way from the days of a short-tempered fisherman who denied the knowledge of Christ. Peter was now an Apostle, a church leader. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, called for a purpose, delivering the Gospel amid newly blurred racial lines, and working in miracles, Peter…
Read moreChrist’s Influence
Jesus influenced everyone around Him in one way or another. The multitudes thronged Him for His mighty works, and the protectors of the Law crucified Him for pointing out their shortcomings. One constant remained throughout Jesus’ ministry: love. His compassion for people was birthed long before He spoke the world into existence. In the beginning…
Read moreTeaching a Bible Study
I begin with this statement: I do not believe there is any substitute for one-on-one evangelism. Going into someone’s home or inviting them to your house and discovering answers is a proven Biblical formula for discipleship. As technology advances, this format may be the only way to reach some who spend countless hours online. So,…
Read moreEarly Church Fundamental
When asked to identify something foundational for the early church, my mind gravitated directly to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the catalyst and most basic requirement for all we do. It brings “Spiritual birth” (John 3:5); the Spirit guides us into all truth (John16:13) and teaches us…
Read moreHe has Made Me Glad
“Glad” is being pleased, delighted, and causing happiness (Oxford Languages, Google). Gladness should be as big a part of the Christian attitude and demeanor as any other attribute of being Spirit-filled. The scripture says this is the day the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad. (Ps 118:24). Ps 122:1 also states I…
Read moreLively Stones
In the temptation in the wilderness, Jesus faced a pile of rocks and a grudgeful adversary. Satan snarled, “If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread” (Matthew 4:3, KJV, Tyndale, 1987). Jesus had spent forty days praying in isolation and fasting. This miracle would have satisfied the growling of…
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