The Remnant Book

The Remnant: Restoring the Call to Personal Integrity by Larry Stockstill is an incredible book that is filled with valuable insights and time-tested strategies for maximizing individual potential and that of the local assembly. While reading this book, I felt as though I was turning the pages of two separate and distinct manuals. It is fitting…

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The Importance of Outreach

Outreach is the mission and identity of the Church. Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10, KJV, Tyndale 1987). Likewise, as Followers of Christ, we have been given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). This is the ministry of restoration to favor. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, the penalty of…

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Holiness Development pt. 2

Sanctification is defined as the action of making or declaring something holy and the process of being freed from sin or purified. In our daily journey of self-denial, seeking God’s perfect will, and giving up good to receive better, we move in the direction of Jesus. The most basic interpretation of being a Christian is…

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Holiness Development pt. 1

           The moment you begin to discuss holiness, those within earshot drift into a sadistic world where rules and oppression reign, life has had every bit of fun drained from its veins, and totalitarians come rummaging through your home to find evidence of rebellion and shame. Standards are not necessarily holiness, though…

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The Cross

For over two thousand years, we have looked toward the cross as a symbol of sacrifice and devotion. We have crosses hanging on our walls, around our necks, and on our keychains. Have we used this symbol so frequently in our daily lives that we forget its significance? How can we keep the method of…

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Predestined to be Saved

Some sincerely believe in the ideology of predestination. The Encyclopedia Britannica website defines predestination as “the doctrine that God has eternally chosen those whom he intends to save” ( The source or origin of this idea most likely comes from Paul’s address to the Roman church, “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate…

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A Touch from the Kingdom

We can interpret touch in various ways, so I want to start with a basic definition for this study. The verb form of the word can mean “come into or be in contact with,” “have an effect on; make a difference to,” and “produce feelings of affection, gratitude, or sympathy in.” There is also a…

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Kingdom Smells

As I was thinking about this series, the smell seemed like it would be the most complicated sense to write about, particularly to attach a kingdom purpose to it. As I concentrated on this article, I was impressed by the connection between smell and memory. Some of my favorite scents in the world are Confederate…

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A Taste of the Kingdom

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him” (Psalm 34:8, KJV, Tyndale 1987). Many people are familiar with this verse, and I would like to say that common sense should apply here, knowing that we are not going to eat God! Even if you consider such a ridiculous notion, simply using the…

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