the witness

 i recently received a letter in the mail from a return address that included the name “Julie.” this envelope and message were hand-written in cursive with beautiful penmanship. it is rare to see handwriting on an envelope among advertisements and credit card applications these days. i was intrigued. i made my way up the driveway…

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the plane captain

 i currently work at an airport, and if you have the opportunity to observe a flight line, you may notice an individual giving direction to the pilots. they relay orders through hand signals and gestures. this occupation might be a predominantly military position, but i have observed similar ground crew at commercial airports, usually with…

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killer or lover

 i have heard it said that some individuals would not serve the God of the Bible due to His harsh judgments depicted and carried out in scripture. i want to refute such claims and explore the attributes of God, the inference of humanity’s viewpoints, and the true heartbeat of the benevolent Creator. hopefully, through reading…

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go faith

Romans chapter 4 continues Paul’s dissertation between the relations of Christians raised under the Law and the Gentiles. some of those that laid claim to the Abrahamic promise considered themselves entitled to the rewards of God by strict adherence to the Law. Paul insists that piety is not the same as righteousness. faith is the…

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peter, peter, peter

interestingly, Peter seems to be a man of threes. Jesus accepted him into his inner circle of three disciples. on the mount of transfiguration, he witnessed Moses, Elijah, and Jesus speaking. when they came to take Jesus to his crucifixion, Peter denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed and ran off, hanging his head….

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darkness comprehended

 total darkness is defined simply as the complete absence of light. when exposed to such sensory deficiencies, like in a cavern, the other senses become more aware. achieving the absolute lack of light is difficult above ground due to celestial luminescence and the glow of a city skyline. Wwe had visited The Lost Sea in…

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everyone is welcome

 the second chapter of Romans deals heavily with the pride and indignation of the Jewish community at the time. the letter to the church in Rome had a significant population of Jewish Christians. Paul, the premier Apostle to the Gentiles, contends with prejudices of the day. Peter had a similar confrontation with Jewish Christians upon…

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